So you're looking for the top grades and want to ensure you've fully mastered a topic? We've taken all the hardest questions and put together this pack of questions for you to fully test your knowledge. All questions are exam-questions perfect for grade 7,8,9 students and if you can answer them all, we'd say you're fully prepared for your exams!
All questions also come with in-depth worked solutions, showing you step-by-step how to solve too.
You'll get access to all of our individual question packs, these include:
Complete The Square
Exact Trigonometry
F(x) Transformations
Inverse and Composite Functions
LCM Worded
Powers and Roots
Circle Theorems With Proof
Quadratic Inequalities
Quadratic Sequences
Rearranging Equations
Combining Standard Form
Straight Line Graphs
Venn Diagrams
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